I’m the founder and CEO of Guiker, a venture-backed startup.

I define myself as a rational individualist fighting my collectivist instincts.

Others might call it bi-polar.


Who am I?

Besides being the CEO of Guiker, I see myself as a street-grown intellect. Someone who uses expressions such as “circle-jerk” to describe social phenomena.

Here is a recent article I wrote for my potential colleagues describing who I am.

Why do I decide to launch a Blog and Podcast in 2020?

We live in a strange time today. Where Chinese content is heavily monitored and censored by the Chinese government. And English content is censored by Political Correctness.

As a member of the “non-victim” visible minority, I can still get away with stating certain facts that are considered politically incorrect. And as a strong believer in individual rights, I feel obligated to protect freedom of expression to its absolute limits.

I am part of the silent majority who refuse to settle for rhetorics and political sensationalism. And I decided to break that silence by sharing my uncensored, unfiltered and unsolicited opinion via the means that I know.

What will you be talking about?

I write and talk about stuff I know and am interested in. You will find some articles about entrepreneurship, economy, finance, politics, history and current affair. I care deeply about social-economic issues and am very opinionated about such topics.